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World Will Remember You Dad book review

Updated: Jul 15, 2021

"World Will Remember You Dad: Rise The Rare And Rise" was written by Dr. Shyamala Peesapati, a young dentist based in India, as a passionate advocate of the rare disease community.

"World Will Remember You Dad" is Shyamala's first novel, and is based on real events from her own life.

As you might be able to tell from the title, the book was written as a tribute to Shyamala's father, who was diagnosed with a rare condition.

The book draws from Shyamala's experience with her Dad's rare disease diagnosis and deteriorating health condition during her time training as a dentist.

The story is told through the characters Sarayu, Samund, Krish and Chaya, loosely based on people from Shyamala's own life, who each narrate from their own point of view. This allows for a wider perspective and allows more people to relate to the story, whether they are a rare disease patient, a child of a patient, a family member.

Interspersed throughout the story are poems and pieces of art that perfectly accompany and illustrate the narrative.

The book serves as a fantastic and fascinating way of raising rare disease awareness, I would highly recommend it to members of the rare disease community, or to people outside our community who want to learn more.

Written by James Brooks


"World Will Remember You Dad" can be found on Amazon in both paperback and Kindle editions here.

You can also find Shyamala's blog post "Raise the RARE and rise" can be found on our website here.

If you would like to submit your voice to the RARE Youth Revolution, please email our youth coordinator James Brooks at


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