Hi everybody!
It's finally Christmas and I think you guys, like me, are all excited that the countdown to Christmas has begun.
I am writing to you today to just say a few things I wanted to share.
It's been another tough year with all of this Covid stuff, and I know we might all be feeling anxious again as the infection numbers are creeping back up. But it is important to remember all the good things we have in our lives and to be grateful everyday about that too.
So, this Christmas I am grateful for:
Being able to spend time with my family this year. Reconnecting with my aunties, uncles, cousins, and grandparents was amazing after so long apart.

My school for working so hard to keep me and my classmates safe, and especially my teacher, SENCO and my 1-2-1 support teacher who have given we a great Year 6, despite being nervous about returning to school.
Being able to start thinking about my journey to secondary school next year, and for everyone who is working hard in the background to make it happen.
My friend Finlay who is always there for me.
My brother Raife, who makes me laugh a LOT and even helps me with my schoolwork sometimes.

Moving to a new house and having lots of lovely and welcoming new neighbours.
My mum and dad for being A-MAZ-ING parents, AND finally…
I am grateful for being alive and having the opportunity to share my thoughts with you all, and to everyone who takes the time to read my column.
And finally, why not take some time to yourself this Christmas to think about all the things YOU are grateful for. You WILL realise that despite the tough year it has been, there is still a lot in your life to make you smile.
Stay safe over the holidays and try to spend as much time as you can with your family—it's just so important!
Keep smiling and see you in 2022.
I hope you all have a great Christmas—Eddison out.

Written by Eddison Miller
To get involved with the RARE Youth Revolution, you can email our youth coordinator James Brooks at jbrooks@rarerevolutionmagazine.com.
You can also find us on Instagram @rare_youth_revolution and on Facebook @RareYouthRevolution